The Princess Palace Chicken Coop
DIY plans for a chicken coop that will allow your hens to live in the style they rightly deserve!
About The Plans
These chicken coop build plans were originally a labor of love. Jaden, the owner of Steamy Kitchen, brought home some backyard chickens. Jaden’s then-husband (known on the internet as Mr. Steamy Kitchen) decided to build the chickens a chicken coop palace. He created the designs using a 3D design program called SketchUp, because that’s the kind of amazing nerd he is. He shared the plans for free on lots of backyard chicken forums and word got around that it was a really nice build plan. You can still download the free plans here (as SketchUp files). But a lot of people aren’t familiar with SketchUp and found it hard to use the program. So he and Jaden had the plans converted to a proper blueprint that anyone can download and use to build their own Palace Chicken Coop.
So, where does Happy For A Living enter the picture? Well, hello there! I’m DeAnna! I’ve worked with Jaden for a long time, and also have a passion for sustainable gardening, nature education, and urban permaculture! Jaden decided not to keep her chickens, and Mr Steamy Kitchen is on to completely different projects, and the chicken coop plans were more or less just gathering dust on the internet equivalent of the back shelf in the pantry. I was poking around in her digital files and realized what a gem she has here, so I dusted them off (with her permission of course) and present them here for your chicken housing needs.
If you have any questions at all, just email me at I love hearing from you!

Thousands of downloads and happy chickens!
The popularity of these build plans speak for themselves.
Build with Reclaimed Wood for increased sustainability and decreased cost
Happy builder John used the plans to make this beautiful version of the Palace Chicken Coop out of reclaimed wood. I love the way it has a warm glow even in the shade.
Downloads (and counting!)
pages of Instructions, Materials list, Cost Estimator, and 3D views